How secure is your password?
Use this tool to check if your password has appeared in previous database leaks.
This is useful because hackers often will try previously hacked passwords as their first line of attack
before moving on to more brute-force like methods, which take up a lot more time and resources.
⚠️ We do not collect or store your passwords..
Only the first three characters of your password are sent to our servers - the rest of the search is
done on your end by your own web-browser.
Check the developers console to verify this for yourself!
This application is for entertainment and educational purposes only. If you see your password on the list, you should change it right away, and never use it again.
Where is the data coming from?
All the password data is sourced from "Breached Compilation List" - which is a giant dataset containing over 1.4 billion credentials combined from various data hacks that was leaked back in December of 2017. That dataset was then "cleaned", and over 400,000 unique passwords were extracted to be used by this online tool.
To-do list
Incorporate data from more recent data leaks such as Combination of Many Breaches (COMB) - which includes more than 3.2 billion records compared to just 1.4 billion used by this tool at the moment. The "COMB" dataset is also more recent - it was leaked to public on February of 2021 versus December 2017 for this older "Breach Compilation List" dataset.
External Links
- - secure random password generator