Search the world's largest dataset of leaked passwords

In February of 2021, the largest dataset of leaked credentials (emails, usernames, and passwords) named COMB (Combination Of Many Breaches) was leaked to the public. It was the largest data leak of all time, containing over 3.2 billion credentials combined across from various other data breaches over the years from services such as Netflix, LinkedIn and many others. The purpose of this tool is to make that massive dataset of leaked usernames and passwords easily searchable, and to encourage better security practices by giving people an ability to check if their credentials were leaked and thus exposed to hackers.

If you find yourself on this list - change your password immediately, and always enable two factor authentication whenever possible. Your searches are not logged nor ever stored on our servers.

While the intention of this service is to inspire better security practices, this can obviously be abused by researching people other than yourself, and then attempting to use their hacked passwords on various websites, given that most people reuse their passwords in all places.

We are not responsible for people who abuse this service in any way. All of this data has been available for anyone to download for over a year - we just made it easily searchable for non-tech-savvy people.

API Access

We also provide API access to this data, so you can integrate this with your own application. 100 results max. You are limited to about 100 requests per minute.

curl | jq

  "count": 795,
  "lines": [